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A Foodie Froggy in Paris
30 novembre 2007

Muffins au Lemon Curd et Fraises Séchées /Lemon Curd and Dried Strawberry Muffins

Muffins au Lemon Curd et Fraises Séchées /Lemon Curd and Dried Strawberry Muffins
When you read these lines, I will be in London for a 4-day stay. And it is in the honor of this amazing city (which warmly hosted me for 6 months when I was a student in 1989-90), that I have made this recipe of British Inspiration. Hard to believe, but...
26 novembre 2007

Mon premier « Daring Bakers » Challenge ! My very first « Daring Bakers » Challenge !

Mon premier « Daring Bakers » Challenge ! My very first « Daring Bakers » Challenge !
Tender Potato bread/ Pain à la pomme de terre : Linseeds Six-strand Braided loaf /Pain tressé à six branches aux graines de lin Onion marmalade and coarse herbs sea salt Focaccia /Focaccia au confit d'oignon et gros sel aux herbes Poppy seeds dinner rolls/...
18 novembre 2007

Kougelhopf perdu aux Clémentines poêlées et Coulis de Nougat/French toast Kougelhopf with sautéed Clementines and Nougat Coulis

Kougelhopf perdu aux Clémentines poêlées et Coulis de Nougat/French toast Kougelhopf with sautéed Clementines and Nougat Coulis
At least, I can say that I have made the most of my last post’s kougelhopf !! After we all had a great sunday afternoon snack with it, and despite all my efforts to wrap it properly in plastic film, I could not help but notice that it was already stale...
14 novembre 2007

Véritable kougelhopf alsacien ou une sacrée leçon de patience…kougelhopf like in Alsace or how to learn to be patient…

Véritable kougelhopf alsacien ou une sacrée leçon de patience…kougelhopf like in Alsace or how to learn to be patient…
When on travel, I turn into a very naive person. I am the best client for touristy gadgets!! China cereal bowls with one’s name on it in Brittany, ugly wooden barometers in Normandy (yes, very useful in Paris!), and so on. So when in Alsace two weeks...
6 novembre 2007

Un Curry Indien pour « un garçon convenable », An Indian Curry for “a suitable boy”

Un Curry Indien pour « un garçon convenable », An Indian Curry for “a suitable boy”
Even though my husband is a great guy, and contrarily to what you -perhaps- have thought while reading my post’s title, this recipe is not dedicated to him. In fact, “ A suitable boy ” is a book I am currently reading and enjoying a lot. It is the story...
2 novembre 2007

Gâteau aux Noisettes, Pralin et Eclats de Toblerone, Hazelnut, Praline and Toblerone Chip Cake

Gâteau aux Noisettes, Pralin et Eclats de Toblerone, Hazelnut, Praline and Toblerone Chip Cake
This recipe was made just after I realized how tired I was to see my daughters eat factory-made cakes and biscuits. Unfortunately, I am the person responsible for that, because I am the food shopper in the family. So, I have just promised myself that,...