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A Foodie Froggy in Paris
31 juillet 2010

Une entrée tout en fraîcheur...So cool, so fresh...

Une entrée tout en fraîcheur...So cool, so fresh...
Soupe glacée concombre-pommes vertes Cucumber and granny smith chilled soup France has its local "Jamie Oliver" (young, good-looking and enthusiastic Chef) : his name is Cyril Lignac . He became famous with a reality show about a Chef (him) looking for...
19 mai 2010

Blanc comme...une asperge ! As white as...asparagus !

Blanc comme...une asperge ! As white as...asparagus !
Crème d'Asperges Blanches Cream of White Asparagus Soup So far, I have always found white asparagus quite...suspicious ... I thought their taste was just like their color : bland, neutral, in other words nothing to write home about ! And the fact that...
10 mai 2010

Warm and chilled soups/Soupes chaudes et froides

Warm and chilled soups/Soupes chaudes et froides
(last updated january 2015) Chilled Soups/Soupes froides Yellow Bellpepper Cold Soup/Soupe froide de poivrons jaunes Fava Bean and Mint Soup, Dried Duck Magrets /Soupe de Fèves, Menthe et Magrets Séchés Gwyneth Paltrow's pea and basil soup/Soupe de petits...
12 février 2010

Trio classique décliné en soupe...A classic"menage à trois" in a soup

Trio classique décliné en soupe...A classic"menage à trois" in a soup
Velouté d'Endives, Roquefort et NoixEndive, Blue Cheese and Walnut Soup "Creative" : the least I can say is that this word is not for me. I have (and I have always had) a total lack of imagination...Why did I make an endive soup ? Because I saw it on...
8 janvier 2010

Topinambours, acte II scène II, Jerusalem Artichokes, act II

Topinambours, acte II scène II, Jerusalem Artichokes, act II
Velouté de Topinambours et Patates douces Jerusalem Artichoke and Sweet Potato Soup Oh well...I wanted to act like a non-conformist girl with my anti-detox recipe ( Nutella Tiramisu ), but as one says : "the leopard can't change its spots", lol ! I am...
1 décembre 2009

Entrée de fêtes : les légumes oubliés en vedette ! Festive Starter : Forgotten vegetables are the stars of the show !

Entrée de fêtes : les légumes oubliés en vedette ! Festive Starter : Forgotten vegetables are the stars of the show !
Jerusalem Artichoke and Chestnut Soup, home-made Grissini with Espelette Pepper Velouté de Topinambours et Châtaignes, Grissini d'Alba au Piment d'Espelette It is Lili and her fabulous recipe who made me crave for Jerusalem Artichoke for the very first...
14 janvier 2009

La fève, pas celle de la galette, l'autre...Fava beans : Go green in the kitchen...

La fève, pas celle de la galette, l'autre...Fava beans : Go green in the kitchen...
Fava bean and Mint Soup with Dried Duck Magrets Soupe de Fèves à la Menthe et aux Magrets Séchés Yes, I know, winter is not fava beans season at all...but when one has the chance to live in a country with a wonderful chain of frozen food shops , one can...